Monday, March 15, 2010

It's Official.....I'm going to France!!

I cannot believe that this is actually happening, and I've held off talking (or blogging about it) because in our three years (practically!) of marriage I've quickly learned that "plans change". I've decided to blog about it now, because I've actually booked my ticket. However, it will feel much more "real" once I'm on the plane...very, very, very "real".

Have I mentioned that I'm terrified of flying? I would also say that it's less "fear" and more "crippling phobia". This is me in this cute little clip art, except brunette....and not wearing such a "questionable" traveling outfit...

Now, for anyone that doesn't have a "phobia" it may be hard to understand how someone could be afraid of something that's been proven to be safe for so long. However, when you have a phobia you may find yourself looking for children on the plane and thinking, "Okay, they're on the plane, God wouldn't kill them right?!" Or, turning to your mother you're traveling with and asking in a very solemn tone, "Mom, you take Jesus to be your personal savior, right?" Or you might even look at the eager man filming his family loading onto the plane and think that he's quite possibly a terrorist who is making a public record of what's about to happen. Sadly, these are not funny musings I've come up with. I have done every single one of them.

Hopefully I will find some good books or websites that might help me deal with this before I have to go (any tips are welcome too!) but I am at times finding myself feeling calm, which is honestly a nice alternative to the usual nausea and panic. The calm I have is the feeling that I most likely won't die because

A) I'm supposed to go on this trip, seems like it's part of a "plan"

B) I think I'm supposed to be a mom, and I can't die for that to happen!

The reason that this trip is even possible is because the mother of my boss extraordinaire at Mignonne lives in Brantome (France) and has a boutique there and suggested that I may want to design some of her windows this summer. Yes, please!

I will be there for a total of two months and Alex will come for nearly three weeks (that's the longest his work allows him to take off without taking a "leave of absence") in the middle when we will travel together...and do a lot of this:


  1. holy cow! AMAZING! I am so excited for you!!

    Jody is scared of flying and has panic attacks every time he is in the air. He has lately been listening to a lot of podcasts about "how to survive a plane crash" and all types of things. I don't know if it is doing more harm than good....he seems to enjoy them. : )

    Congrats on your new are going to do great!

  2. Good luck with the phobia! I am getting terrified just reading you post! LOl, gotta love anxiety and unjustified fear!! You will be fine, of that I am sure! What a great opportunity!!! I am soo excited for you. It's good you are doing this now, because the mommy plan doesn't really allow for 2 month trips around the world!! YAY!!
