Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Alex and I have been married for two and a half years. The past two and a half years have been the most unpredictable, often bizarre, and difficult years that I've had since high-school.

The last year has been especially...random I guess would be the most fitting word. In the past year (little over a year) we moved from LA where we were pursuing acting (me) and screenwriting (Alex) and living in an apartment in beautiful Santa Monica to living in my grandma's house in Berkeley, CA. We were both unemployed and no longer "independent" in the whole earning money, paying rent sense.

To collect our thoughts and process the major change we'd just made we spent three weeks in Oregon (where we both grew up) for Christmas. While in Oregon we felt more and more secure in the thought that moving to Berkeley had been the right choice. We loved Berkeley, being with family everyday, the weather (there were actually seasons here) and the people (no one I had yet met owned any kind of Juicy velour suits). The second week we were in Oregon we went to the mountains and on our way back I noticed a sign (literally, the figurative kind will come later) that read "Pacific Crest Trail". I had never heard of the "PCT", Alex enlightened me and it hit me. We. Have. To. Hike. The Pacific Crest Trail!

Flash forward four months later we had earned enough money, trained, packed five months worth of dried food, bought all of our gear and we headed out to hike the 2600 odd miles of the trail. Flash forward another three weeks and we had hiked two-hundred miles and I was done.

It was rather hellish, I was getting debilitating panic attacks and we both felt that we had (thankfully) learned what we needed to while on the trail.

We went back to Oregon, again to recollect ourselves, spent three months there working. Alex pressure washed, I had a brief stint as a tractor driver (I said it was random didn't I?).

We headed back to Berkeley, got more
involved in our community, did our best to find jobs.
Couldn't for about two of the longest months of our lives. We subsisted on anything we could back from the dry goods we had left from the trail and some gluten free flour mixes we had been given as a wedding gift.

Eventually, I was able to patch together enough nanny jobs to be able to add more to our diets than just mashed potatoes and
homemade gluten free bread (however that sounds pretty good right now...) By the grace of God Alex was able to get a job at Trader Joe's (we never thought that him having a master's degree in film would lead him to one day be praising God for this job, but being unemployed for over a year will do that to you!), and actually he really loves it. He wrote a book, it's being reviewed by editors as we speak! I got an internship at a furniture boutique that I love, designing the window displays.

Things have settled somewhat now, and we find ourselves moving toward our next adventures. Home owners and adoptive parents...obsessive thoughts and updates to follow!

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